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Facilitated by  - Sister Shalom, Caitlin, and Rei

Friday 24th July 6pm  TO Sunday 26 JULY 2pm


“the stars began to burn

through the sheets of clouds,

and there was a new voice

which you slowly

recognized as your own”

Mary Oliver

This is the path of Grace Unfolding - to find our own way … listening for our own authentic voice,   allowing ourselves to come home, to be at ease within, ourselves and at ease with each other.

In the embrace of a gentle practice schedule of sitting and walking meditation,  we will have opportunities to enjoy time for contemplation,  space and rest, vibrance and nature , and sessions to explore through movement and stillness.  

Retreat cost and Dana:

Cost (food and accommodation): $200-$250 (sliding scale - please pay according to your means)

Offering Dana for the Teacher and teachings can be paid into 03 0458 0238459 000 (or offered into the Dana bowl at the time of the retreat)  Dana - donation payments are tax deductible so must be referenced as Dana or Donation . You can find more information here.

When making a Dana payment via internet banking, Please include “Teacher’s Dana ‘. in the reference field.

How to register.... 

If this will be your first retreat at Dharma Gaia, we'd love to get to know you a little before the retreat. Please send us an email with your name and contact details, gender and age, as well a little about any experience you have with mindfulness or meditation. We're also keen to know how you found out about Dharma Gaia and what you hope the retreat will support you with.

TO CONFIRM YOUR BOOKING please make payment into:

Account Number 03-0458-0013241-000

Please confirm your payment with an email to


When we prepare for a retreat each one of you counts and is counted in the number of beds that are made and the amount of food that is cooked. As we are often booked out quite quickly, a cancellation can prevent someone else from joining us.

In the event of a cancellation up to 10 days prior to the starting date of the retreat, we can offer a 75% refund or the funds can be carried over to your next retreat.  

However, a cancellation within 10 days of the retreat starting date is non-refundable.

We write this in light of goodwill and in the understanding that life being life, things may change at the very last minute. Please, contact us to share/explain your circumstances.